Known Dates (* indicates verified start/end date) |
Studio, Employer, Name Used |
Worker Type | Studio Location or Place Worked |
Studio Address Alternate Address |
1890-October 1891* | John Cadwallader | Employee | Madison, Jefferson County, IN | 115 E Main St. |
Raw Data - E_Person
ID: 4472 CATNUM: 4680 IsPhotographer: True IsArchitect: NameFirst: NameLast: Finney NameMiddle: NameMaiden: NameUsed: NameNewFirst: Charles PersonHonorificTypeID: PersonSuffixTypeID: PersonStatusTypeID: PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: 2 BirthMonth: BirthDay: BirthYear: 1874 BirthCA: OriginalBirthCity: OriginalBirthState: KY OriginalBirthCounty: OriginalBirthNation: USA DeathMonth: 9 DeathDay: DeathYear: 1898 DeathCA: DeathCause: OriginalDeathCity: OriginalDeathState: OriginalDeathCounty: OriginalDeathNation: Parents: Adopted parents: Sanford and Anna (Clark) Finney Children: Spouse1Name: Spouse1StartMonth: Spouse1StartDay: Spouse1StartYear: Spouse1StartCA: Spouse1EndMonth: Spouse1EndDay: Spouse1EndYear: Spouse1EndCA: Spouse1MarriedCity: Spouse1MarriedCounty: Spouse1MarriedState: Spouse1MarriedCountry: Spouse2Name: Spouse2StartMonth: Spouse2StartDay: Spouse2StartYear: Spouse2StartCA: Spouse2EndMonth: Spouse2EndDay: Spouse2EndYear: Spouse2EndCA: Spouse2MarriedCity: Spouse2MarriedCounty: Spouse2MarriedState: Spouse2MarriedCountry: Spouse3Name: Spouse3StartMonth: Spouse3StartDay: Spouse3StartYear: Spouse3StartCA: Spouse3EndMonth: Spouse3EndDay: Spouse3EndYear: Spouse3EndCA: Spouse3MarriedCity: Spouse3MarriedCounty: Spouse3MarriedState: Spouse3MarriedCountry: Spouse4Name: Spouse4StartMonth: Spouse4StartDay: Spouse4StartYear: Spouse4StartCA: True Spouse4EndMonth: Spouse4EndDay: Spouse4EndYear: Spouse4EndCA: Spouse4MarriedCity: Spouse4MarriedCounty: Spouse4MarriedState: Spouse4MarriedCountry: LastLivedCity: LastLivedCounty: LastLivedState: LastLivedCountry: Biography: MilitaryEvent: Output: False CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:48:21 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:48:21 PM ModifiedBy: sa
ID: 4472 PersonID: 4472 StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndDay: EndYear: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: EducationCareer: FamilyInPhotography: OriginalNotes: Find A Grave 155170397 - Charles Finney, b. 1874 in Kentucky, death September 1898, buried in Springdale Cemetery in Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana, Not shown in cemetery records (most likely buried in Old Public Ground, no marker. Lists parents as Sanford Finney (1813-1904) and Anna Clark Finney (1835-1911) 1880 Census, Madison Third Ward, Jefferson County, Indiana, East side of Main Street, 3d Ward Madison North & South Sanford Finney, Black, 55, married, laborer, cannot read or write, b. Kentucky, parents b. KY Ann Finney, Black, 35, wife, keeping house, cannot read or write, b. Kentucky, parents b. KY Jennie Williams, Black, 21, step daughter, widowed or divorced, at home cannot read or write, b. Kentucky, parents b. KY Bettie Galord, Black, 16, step daughter, at home, attended school, b. Kentucky, parents b. KY Charles Finney, Black, 6, adopted son, at home, attended school, b. Kentucky, parents b. KY Robert Finney, Black, 2, adopted son, at home, b. Kentucky, parents b. KY Madison Weekly Herald (Madison, Indiana), October 15, 1891, p. 3 Detective Skill. By a good piece of detective work Louis Sulzer has caught parties who have been systematically robbing his establishment on Mulberry street. Elijah Smith, white, works at the Sulzer Bros.' establishment. For several months small quantities of valuable roots have been missing. Several times Henry Finney, a colored lad sixteen years of age, who works at Cadwallader's gallery, had sold roots shortly after some were missed, and the suspicions of the firm were aroused. Again he came at noon today, and when confronted with the charge, confessed having sold stolen goods. He was immediately arrested and with his accomplice, Elijah Smith, is behind the bars. Madison Weekly Herald (Madison, Indiana), October 22, 1891, p. 3 Elijah Smith, the young man accused of aiding in the stealing of valuable roots from Sulzer & Bros., claims his absolute innocence, and will lmake a fight in court for his liberty. Charles Finney, the colored lad, has confessed. Madison Weekly Herald (Madison, Indiana), October 22, 1891, p. 8 Circuit Court - Charles Finney and Elijah Smith were brought out, and allowed to consult their lawyers, J. P. Wells being appointed by the court to defend Finney and John McGregor to defend Smith. The young men are charged with having stolen valuable roots from Sulzer Bros. Madison Weekly Herald (Madison, Indiana), October 29, 1891, p. 5 Circuit Court - Charles Finney, who is charged with having sold stolen property to Sulzer Bros., and which he has confessed, was tried before the court this morning, J. P. Wells, who was appointed by the court, appearing for the defense. [Elijah Smith, who is said to have taken Seneca Snake root from store and given it to Finney to resell claimed innocence and brought character witnesses. He was acquitted.] The court ordered that Finney, who is sixteen years of age, be sent to the Reform School until he is twenty-one. Greencastle Banner (Greencastle, Indiana), March 8, 1883, p. 7 Rev. James Davis, pastor of the Fifth Street AME Church, was arrested Monday at Madison, on a warrant sworn out by Sanford Finney, father of Mrs. Jennie Williams, charged with bastardy. The parties are all colored. Davis gave $400 bond to appear on March 12. Considerable excitement prevails in colored society. Madison Courier, April 15, 1889 From Stout Collection / Jefferson County INGenWeb [retrieved November 20, 2020] A brother of Mrs. Sanford Finney, of this city, has died at his residence, in Milton KY., and was buried Saturday morning. Madison Courier (Madison, Indiana), September 26, 1898 [Posted on Find A Grave] Funeral of Charlie Finney. There was a large attendance at Ebenezer M.E. Church, Sunday afternoon, when the funeral sermon of Charles Finney was preached by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Smith. Appropriate music was rendered by a choir of young ladies and the remarks of the minister were quite touching. The pall-bearers were Neal Spencer, Cassius Hunter, George Taylor, Mat Wilson, John Jacobs, and Wade Crawford. The body was laid to rest in Springdale Cemetery. Madison Herald (Madison, Indiana), October 1891 [Posted on Find A Grave] Charles Finney was indicted for stealing Beneca Snake Root from Sulzer Bros store, found guilty and sent to reform school. OriginalWorkerTypes: OriginalProcesses: OriginalFormats: OriginalOccupation: OriginalCombination: OriginalSources: SeeAlsoPhotographer: SeeAlsoStudio: CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:48:21 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:48:21 PM ModifiedBy:
PersonID: 4472 CATNUM: 4680 NameFirst: NameLast: Finney LocationID: 5617 Address1: 115 E Main St. Address2: City: Madison State: IN StudioID: 4020 ---------------------------------- ID: 4020 StudioName: John Cadwallader SeeAlso: SeeAlsoPeople: SeeAlsoStudio: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:59:57 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 6:07:12 PM ModifiedBy: sa ---------------------------------- Name: John Cadwallader Alternate Studio Names: StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: 10 EndYear: 1891 EndDay: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: StudioLocationID: 5949 SeeAlso: SeeAlsoStudio: SeeAlsoPerson: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False County: Jefferson Country: USA Longitude: 0 Latitude: 0 NameNewFirst: Charles KnownDates: 1890-91, 1891 OriginalLocationNotes: OutputStartMonth: OutputStartYear: 1890 OutputEndMonth: 10 OutputEndYear: 1891 OutputStartStar: OutputEndStar: * OutputStartS: OutputEndS: NameMiddle: NameMaiden: PersonHonorificTypeID: OriginalSource: 1890-91 Madison City Directory Charles Finney (col'd) photographer, 115 e Main, res 301 e Fifth [Georgetown neighborhood] [name of studio not listed, Cadwallader, a well known photographer by this time is likely propr. Check business directory for confirmation] Madison Weekly Herald (Madison, Indiana), October 15, 1891, p. 3 Detective Skill. By a good piece of detective work Louis Sulzer has caught parties who have been systematically robbing his establishment on Mulberry street. Elijah Smith, white, works at the Sulzer Bros.' establishment. For several months small quantities of valuable roots have been missing. Several times Henry Finney, a colored lad sixteen years of age, who works at Cadwallader's gallery, had sold roots shortly after some were missed, and the suspicions of the firm were aroused. Again he came at noon today, and when confronted with the charge, confessed having sold stolen goods. He was immediately arrested and with his accomplice, Elijah Smith, is behind the bars. [Note: Referred to as Charles Finney in other articles. He was found guilty and sent to Reform School until he was age 21.] OriginalWorkerType: Employee PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: 2 PersonStudioLocationID: 6234
Copyright © 2021 The Indiana Album Inc. |
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Hostetler, Joan E. Directory of Indiana Photographers. The Indiana Album Inc., 2021 |
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