Known Dates (* indicates verified start/end date) |
Studio, Employer, Name Used |
Worker Type | Studio Location or Place Worked |
Studio Address Alternate Address |
1940 | Irving Chase | Studio owner | Huntingburg, Dubois County, IN | |
Raw Data - E_Person
ID: 3840 CATNUM: 4043 IsPhotographer: True IsArchitect: NameFirst: NameLast: Chase NameMiddle: Irving NameMaiden: NameUsed: NameNewFirst: Cecil PersonHonorificTypeID: PersonSuffixTypeID: PersonStatusTypeID: PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: BirthMonth: 9 BirthDay: 23 BirthYear: 1907 BirthCA: OriginalBirthCity: OriginalBirthState: MN OriginalBirthCounty: Hennepin OriginalBirthNation: USA DeathMonth: DeathDay: DeathYear: DeathCA: DeathCause: OriginalDeathCity: OriginalDeathState: OriginalDeathCounty: OriginalDeathNation: Parents: Clement G. and Sally Kate (Castillo). Chase Children: Spouse1Name: Myrtle Leona Taylor Spouse1StartMonth: Spouse1StartDay: Spouse1StartYear: Spouse1StartCA: Spouse1EndMonth: Spouse1EndDay: Spouse1EndYear: Spouse1EndCA: Spouse1MarriedCity: Spouse1MarriedCounty: Spouse1MarriedState: Spouse1MarriedCountry: Spouse2Name: Viola Boeglin Spouse2StartMonth: 6 Spouse2StartDay: 14 Spouse2StartYear: 1942 Spouse2StartCA: Spouse2EndMonth: Spouse2EndDay: Spouse2EndYear: Spouse2EndCA: Spouse2MarriedCity: Spouse2MarriedCounty: Spouse2MarriedState: Spouse2MarriedCountry: Spouse3Name: Spouse3StartMonth: Spouse3StartDay: Spouse3StartYear: Spouse3StartCA: Spouse3EndMonth: Spouse3EndDay: Spouse3EndYear: Spouse3EndCA: Spouse3MarriedCity: Spouse3MarriedCounty: Spouse3MarriedState: Spouse3MarriedCountry: Spouse4Name: Spouse4StartMonth: Spouse4StartDay: Spouse4StartYear: Spouse4StartCA: Spouse4EndMonth: Spouse4EndDay: Spouse4EndYear: Spouse4EndCA: Spouse4MarriedCity: Spouse4MarriedCounty: Spouse4MarriedState: Spouse4MarriedCountry: LastLivedCity: LastLivedCounty: LastLivedState: LastLivedCountry: Biography: MilitaryEvent: Output: True CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:53 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:53 PM ModifiedBy: sa
ID: 3840 PersonID: 3840 StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndDay: EndYear: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: EducationCareer: FamilyInPhotography: brothers Horace J. Chase and Homer Lloyd Chase OriginalNotes: Minnesota Birth Index: Cecil Irving Chase, b. 23 Sep 1907, Hennepin, Minnesota 1930 Census, Farmington, Minnesota Clement G. Chase, 48, grocery buyer Sallie K. Chase, age 46 Irving Chase, age 22, son, b. Minnesota, laborer, packing house Margaret Chase, Horace Chase, age 18, son, b. North Dakota, no occupation Homer Chase, age 11 1940 Census, Huntingburg, Dubois County, Indiana, rents on 4th Street Irving Chase, head, age 32, divorced, b. Minnesota, photographer, photo shop, OA Horace J. Chase, brother, 28, single, b. N. Dakota, photographer, photo shop, residence in 1935: Minnesota Family tree posted on by Susan Montag ( viewed 2 July 2013] OriginalWorkerTypes: OriginalProcesses: OriginalFormats: OriginalOccupation: OriginalCombination: OriginalSources: SeeAlsoPhotographer: SeeAlsoStudio: CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:53 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:53 PM ModifiedBy:
PersonID: 3840 CATNUM: 4043 NameFirst: NameLast: Chase LocationID: 4768 Address1: Address2: City: Huntingburg State: IN StudioID: 3555 ---------------------------------- ID: 3555 StudioName: Irving Chase SeeAlso: SeeAlsoPeople: SeeAlsoStudio: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: True CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:58:17 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 6:07:12 PM ModifiedBy: sa ---------------------------------- Name: Irving Chase Alternate Studio Names: StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndYear: EndDay: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: StudioLocationID: 5024 SeeAlso: SeeAlsoStudio: SeeAlsoPerson: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: True County: Dubois Country: USA Longitude: Latitude: NameNewFirst: Cecil KnownDates: 1940 OriginalLocationNotes: OutputStartMonth: OutputStartYear: 1940 OutputEndMonth: OutputEndYear: OutputStartStar: OutputEndStar: OutputStartS: OutputEndS: NameMiddle: Irving NameMaiden: PersonHonorificTypeID: OriginalSource: 1940 Census, Huntingburg, Dubois County, Indiana, rents on 4th Street Irving Chase, head, age 32, divorced, b. Minnesota, photographer, photo shop, OA Horace J. Chase, brother, 28, single, b. N. Dakota, photographer, photo shop, residence in 1935: Minnesota OriginalWorkerType: Studio owner PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: PersonStudioLocationID: 5286
Copyright © 2021 The Indiana Album Inc. |
How to cite this directory: |
Hostetler, Joan E. Directory of Indiana Photographers. The Indiana Album Inc., 2021 |
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