Known Dates (* indicates verified start/end date) |
Studio, Employer, Name Used |
Worker Type | Studio Location or Place Worked |
Studio Address Alternate Address |
1910 | Myers | Studio owner | Indianapolis, Marion County, IN | |
-December 1920* | Myers | Photographer's wife involved with studio; Studio owner/Partner | Indianapolis, Marion County, IN | 1416 N. Alabama |
Raw Data - E_Person
ID: 3693 CATNUM: 3894 IsPhotographer: True IsArchitect: NameFirst: NameLast: Myers NameMiddle: A. NameMaiden: NameUsed: NameNewFirst: Frederick PersonHonorificTypeID: PersonSuffixTypeID: PersonStatusTypeID: PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: BirthMonth: 2 BirthDay: 19 BirthYear: BirthCA: OriginalBirthCity: OriginalBirthState: OriginalBirthCounty: OriginalBirthNation: DeathMonth: 12 DeathDay: 4 DeathYear: 1920 DeathCA: DeathCause: murdered by wife OriginalDeathCity: Indianapolis OriginalDeathState: IN OriginalDeathCounty: Marion OriginalDeathNation: USA Parents: Children: Byron, Arthur Spouse1Name: Inda (Indiella) Snider Spouse1StartMonth: 6 Spouse1StartDay: 4 Spouse1StartYear: 1910 Spouse1StartCA: Spouse1EndMonth: Spouse1EndDay: Spouse1EndYear: Spouse1EndCA: Spouse1MarriedCity: Spouse1MarriedCounty: Spouse1MarriedState: Spouse1MarriedCountry: Spouse2Name: Spouse2StartMonth: Spouse2StartDay: Spouse2StartYear: Spouse2StartCA: Spouse2EndMonth: Spouse2EndDay: Spouse2EndYear: Spouse2EndCA: Spouse2MarriedCity: Spouse2MarriedCounty: Spouse2MarriedState: Spouse2MarriedCountry: Spouse3Name: Spouse3StartMonth: Spouse3StartDay: Spouse3StartYear: Spouse3StartCA: Spouse3EndMonth: Spouse3EndDay: Spouse3EndYear: Spouse3EndCA: Spouse3MarriedCity: Spouse3MarriedCounty: Spouse3MarriedState: Spouse3MarriedCountry: Spouse4Name: Spouse4StartMonth: Spouse4StartDay: Spouse4StartYear: Spouse4StartCA: Spouse4EndMonth: Spouse4EndDay: Spouse4EndYear: Spouse4EndCA: Spouse4MarriedCity: Spouse4MarriedCounty: Spouse4MarriedState: Spouse4MarriedCountry: LastLivedCity: LastLivedCounty: LastLivedState: LastLivedCountry: Biography: MilitaryEvent: Output: True CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:47 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:47 PM ModifiedBy: sa
ID: 3693 PersonID: 3693 StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndDay: EndYear: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: EducationCareer: FamilyInPhotography: wife OriginalNotes: Indianapolis Star, Jan. 5, 1921 Mentions the upcoming Feb. 8 trial of Mrs. Inda Myers, charged with first degree murder for the killing of her husband, Frederick A. Myers, a photographer, Dec. 4, in their photographic studio, 1416 N. Alabama St. 1910 Census, Indianapolis, Marion Co., Ind., 332 Capitol Fred Myers, head, 28, Divorced, b. IN, photographer, gallery, OA (own account) 1920 Census, Indianapolis, Marion Co, Indiana, 1806 N. Alabama Fred A Myers 38, head, own, free, b. IN, photographer, owns studio Inda Myers 39, wife, b. IN, photographer, owns studio Byron Myers 13, son, b. IN Arthur Myers 11, son, b. IN Clara Creech 42, servant, b. IN, wd. Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 Name: Frederick A Myers Spouse Name: Indiella Snider Marriage Date: 4 Jun 1910 Marriage County: Marion Birth Date: 19 Feb Age: 28 Source Title 1: Marion County, Indiana Source Title 2: Index to Marriage Record 1906 - 1910 Inclusive Vol Source Title 3: Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Ind Book: 57 OS Page: 6 OriginalWorkerTypes: OriginalProcesses: OriginalFormats: OriginalOccupation: OriginalCombination: OriginalSources: SeeAlsoPhotographer: SeeAlsoStudio: CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:47 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:47 PM ModifiedBy:
PersonID: 3693 CATNUM: 3894 NameFirst: NameLast: Myers LocationID: 6665 Address1: Address2: City: Indianapolis State: IN StudioID: 4753 ---------------------------------- ID: 4753 StudioName: Myers SeeAlso: SeeAlsoPeople: SeeAlsoStudio: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 6:02:22 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 6:07:12 PM ModifiedBy: sa ---------------------------------- Name: Myers Alternate Studio Names: StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndYear: EndDay: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: StudioLocationID: 7139 SeeAlso: SeeAlsoStudio: SeeAlsoPerson: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False County: Marion Country: USA Longitude: Latitude: NameNewFirst: Frederick KnownDates: 1910 OriginalLocationNotes: OutputStartMonth: OutputStartYear: 1910 OutputEndMonth: OutputEndYear: OutputStartStar: OutputEndStar: OutputStartS: OutputEndS: NameMiddle: A. NameMaiden: PersonHonorificTypeID: OriginalSource: 1910 Census, Indianapolis, Marion Co., Ind., 332 Capitol Fred Myers, head, 28, Divorced, b. IN, photographer, gallery, OA (own account) OriginalWorkerType: Studio owner PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: PersonStudioLocationID: 7524
PersonID: 3693 CATNUM: 3894 NameFirst: NameLast: Myers LocationID: 6666 Address1: 1416 N. Alabama Address2: City: Indianapolis State: IN StudioID: 4753 ---------------------------------- ID: 4753 StudioName: Myers SeeAlso: SeeAlsoPeople: SeeAlsoStudio: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 6:02:22 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 6:07:12 PM ModifiedBy: sa ---------------------------------- Name: Myers Alternate Studio Names: StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: 12 EndYear: 1920 EndDay: 4 EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: StudioLocationID: 7140 SeeAlso: SeeAlsoStudio: SeeAlsoPerson: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False County: Marion Country: USA Longitude: Latitude: NameNewFirst: Frederick KnownDates: OriginalLocationNotes: OutputStartMonth: OutputStartYear: OutputEndMonth: 12 OutputEndYear: 1920 OutputStartStar: OutputEndStar: * OutputStartS: OutputEndS: NameMiddle: A. NameMaiden: PersonHonorificTypeID: OriginalSource: Indianapolis Star, Jan. 5, 1921 Mentions the upcoming Feb. 8 trial of Mrs. Inda Myers, charged with first degree murder for the killing of her husband, Frederick A. Myers, a photographer, Dec. 4, in their photographic studio, 1416 N. Alabama St. OriginalWorkerType: Photographer's wife involved with studio;Studio owner/Partner PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: PersonStudioLocationID: 7526
Copyright © 2021 The Indiana Album Inc. |
How to cite this directory: |
Hostetler, Joan E. Directory of Indiana Photographers. The Indiana Album Inc., 2021 |
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