Known Dates (* indicates verified start/end date) |
Studio, Employer, Name Used |
Worker Type | Studio Location or Place Worked |
Studio Address Alternate Address |
January 1848*-March 1848* | Thomas Hayes | Indianapolis, Marion County, IN | Washington St., Johnson's Buildings | |
Raw Data - E_Person
ID: 2917 CATNUM: 3103 IsPhotographer: True IsArchitect: NameFirst: NameLast: Hayes/Hays NameMiddle: NameMaiden: NameUsed: NameNewFirst: PersonHonorificTypeID: PersonSuffixTypeID: PersonStatusTypeID: PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: BirthMonth: BirthDay: BirthYear: BirthCA: OriginalBirthCity: OriginalBirthState: OriginalBirthCounty: OriginalBirthNation: DeathMonth: DeathDay: DeathYear: DeathCA: DeathCause: OriginalDeathCity: OriginalDeathState: OriginalDeathCounty: OriginalDeathNation: Parents: Children: Spouse1Name: Spouse1StartMonth: Spouse1StartDay: Spouse1StartYear: Spouse1StartCA: Spouse1EndMonth: Spouse1EndDay: Spouse1EndYear: Spouse1EndCA: Spouse1MarriedCity: Spouse1MarriedCounty: Spouse1MarriedState: Spouse1MarriedCountry: Spouse2Name: Spouse2StartMonth: Spouse2StartDay: Spouse2StartYear: Spouse2StartCA: Spouse2EndMonth: Spouse2EndDay: Spouse2EndYear: Spouse2EndCA: Spouse2MarriedCity: Spouse2MarriedCounty: Spouse2MarriedState: Spouse2MarriedCountry: Spouse3Name: Spouse3StartMonth: Spouse3StartDay: Spouse3StartYear: Spouse3StartCA: Spouse3EndMonth: Spouse3EndDay: Spouse3EndYear: Spouse3EndCA: Spouse3MarriedCity: Spouse3MarriedCounty: Spouse3MarriedState: Spouse3MarriedCountry: Spouse4Name: Spouse4StartMonth: Spouse4StartDay: Spouse4StartYear: Spouse4StartCA: Spouse4EndMonth: Spouse4EndDay: Spouse4EndYear: Spouse4EndCA: Spouse4MarriedCity: Spouse4MarriedCounty: Spouse4MarriedState: Spouse4MarriedCountry: LastLivedCity: LastLivedCounty: LastLivedState: LastLivedCountry: Biography: MilitaryEvent: Output: True CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:16 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:16 PM ModifiedBy: sa
ID: 2917 PersonID: 2917 StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndDay: EndYear: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: EducationCareer: FamilyInPhotography: OriginalNotes: OriginalWorkerTypes: OriginalProcesses: OriginalFormats: OriginalOccupation: OriginalCombination: OriginalSources: SeeAlsoPhotographer: SeeAlsoStudio: CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:16 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:47:16 PM ModifiedBy:
PersonID: 2917 CATNUM: 3103 NameFirst: NameLast: Hayes/Hays LocationID: 7794 Address1: Washington St., Johnson's Buildings Address2: City: Indianapolis State: IN StudioID: 5598 ---------------------------------- ID: 5598 StudioName: Thomas Hayes SeeAlso: SeeAlsoPeople: SeeAlsoStudio: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 6:05:20 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 6:07:12 PM ModifiedBy: sa ---------------------------------- Name: Thomas Hayes Alternate Studio Names: StartMonth: 1 StartDay: StartYear: 1848 StartCA: EndMonth: 3 EndYear: 1848 EndDay: EndCA: True KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: StudioLocationID: 8433 SeeAlso: SeeAlsoStudio: SeeAlsoPerson: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False County: Marion Country: USA Longitude: Latitude: NameNewFirst: KnownDates: 1848 OriginalLocationNotes: OutputStartMonth: 1 OutputStartYear: 1848 OutputEndMonth: 3 OutputEndYear: 1848 OutputStartStar: * OutputEndStar: * OutputStartS: OutputEndS: NameMiddle: NameMaiden: PersonHonorificTypeID: OriginalSource: Indiana State Sentinel, 17 Feb. 1848 Daguerreotype Likenesses. "Secure the Shadow, ere the Substance Fade." Thomas Hayes, associate of Mr. A. Terry of 181 Broadway, New York, and 23 East Fourth street, Cincinnati, has completed his arrangements for taking miniatures in the above beautiful art, and has fitted up apartments in Johnson's buildings, on Washington street, three doors west of Browning's hotel, Indianapolis. Mr. Hayes having been engaged in the business for the last five years, in the city of New York, and being possessed of all the late improvements, has no hesitation in saying that his pictures are equal to any in the world; and having devoted two years to study and experiments in colors, in that department he challenges comparison. Persons wishing to avail themselves of Mr. H.'s skill would do well to call as soon as possible, as he can only remain during the present session of the Legislature. Instructions given in the art, and every thing appertaining to it for sale at New York prices. 70 tf The Locomotive, Jan. 22, 1848, p. 2 Daguerotype Likenesses--Mr. Hayes, late of the city of NY has fitted up rooms in the Johnson buildings, nearly opp. Our office, and is now fully prepared to execute Daguerrian likenesses in a style unrivalled. Having tried Mr. Hayes's skill on our own "phiz," we can unhesitatingly say that his superiority as an artist is unquestionable. As Mr. H. expects to leave the city at the close of the session, [legislative?] our citizens and visitors to the city, had better avail themselves of the present opportunity to perpetruate their features. At this particular season, when we are all liable to an infectious desease which forever mars the beauty and destroys the appearance of the features, we should "secure the shadow, ere the substance fades." [on same pg. is article about small pox in the city] The Locomotive, Feb. 26, 1848, p. 2 As Mr. Hays leaves our city next week, those who want their likenesses taken by him had better call soon. Indiana State Sentinel, March 1, 1848, p. 3 - Hayes' Daguerreotypes. This Week Positively the Last. Persons who contemplate having their likenesses taken, and who wish to avail themselves of Mr. H's superior skill should do so without delay, as Saturday, March the 4th, will certainly be the longest he can remain in town. Pictures taken in all kinds of weather. Office in Johnson's Building on Washington street. OriginalWorkerType: PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: PersonStudioLocationID: 8940
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Hostetler, Joan E. Directory of Indiana Photographers. The Indiana Album Inc., 2021 |
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