Known Dates (* indicates verified start/end date) |
Studio, Employer, Name Used |
Worker Type | Studio Location or Place Worked |
Studio Address Alternate Address |
1916 | E. S. Mack | Indianapolis, Marion County, IN | 17 W. Market St. | |
1921-1924 | Holland Photo Studio | Studio owner | Indianapolis, Marion County, IN | 17 W. Market St. |
1926-1935 | Holland Photo Studio | Studio owner | Indianapolis, Marion County, IN | 41 E. Washington St., 214 Kresge Bldg. |
Raw Data - E_Person
ID: 2231 CATNUM: 2379 IsPhotographer: True IsArchitect: NameFirst: Mack ~E. S. NameLast: Mack NameMiddle: S. NameMaiden: NameUsed: NameNewFirst: Everett PersonHonorificTypeID: PersonSuffixTypeID: PersonStatusTypeID: PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: BirthMonth: BirthDay: BirthYear: 1862 BirthCA: True OriginalBirthCity: OriginalBirthState: OH OriginalBirthCounty: OriginalBirthNation: USA DeathMonth: DeathDay: DeathYear: DeathCA: DeathCause: OriginalDeathCity: OriginalDeathState: OriginalDeathCounty: OriginalDeathNation: Parents: Children: Spouse1Name: Spouse1StartMonth: Spouse1StartDay: Spouse1StartYear: Spouse1StartCA: Spouse1EndMonth: Spouse1EndDay: Spouse1EndYear: Spouse1EndCA: Spouse1MarriedCity: Spouse1MarriedCounty: Spouse1MarriedState: Spouse1MarriedCountry: Spouse2Name: Spouse2StartMonth: Spouse2StartDay: Spouse2StartYear: Spouse2StartCA: Spouse2EndMonth: Spouse2EndDay: Spouse2EndYear: Spouse2EndCA: Spouse2MarriedCity: Spouse2MarriedCounty: Spouse2MarriedState: Spouse2MarriedCountry: Spouse3Name: Spouse3StartMonth: Spouse3StartDay: Spouse3StartYear: Spouse3StartCA: Spouse3EndMonth: Spouse3EndDay: Spouse3EndYear: Spouse3EndCA: Spouse3MarriedCity: Spouse3MarriedCounty: Spouse3MarriedState: Spouse3MarriedCountry: Spouse4Name: Spouse4StartMonth: Spouse4StartDay: Spouse4StartYear: Spouse4StartCA: Spouse4EndMonth: Spouse4EndDay: Spouse4EndYear: Spouse4EndCA: Spouse4MarriedCity: Spouse4MarriedCounty: Spouse4MarriedState: Spouse4MarriedCountry: LastLivedCity: LastLivedCounty: LastLivedState: LastLivedCountry: Biography: MilitaryEvent: Output: True CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:46:48 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:46:48 PM ModifiedBy: sa
ID: 2231 PersonID: 2231 StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndDay: EndYear: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: EducationCareer: FamilyInPhotography: OriginalNotes: 1930 Census, Marion County, Center Twp., Indianapolis Everett S. Mack, age 68, b. OH, brother-in-law, photographer, own studio, single living with Robert M. Bryce, head and Annetta B. Bryce OriginalWorkerTypes: OriginalProcesses: OriginalFormats: OriginalOccupation: OriginalCombination: OriginalSources: SeeAlsoPhotographer: SeeAlsoStudio: CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:46:48 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 5:46:48 PM ModifiedBy:
PersonID: 2231 CATNUM: 2379 NameFirst: Mack ~E. S. NameLast: Mack LocationID: 3262 Address1: 17 W. Market St. Address2: City: Indianapolis State: IN StudioID: 2549 ---------------------------------- ID: 2549 StudioName: E. S. Mack SeeAlso: SeeAlsoPeople: SeeAlsoStudio: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:55:13 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 6:07:12 PM ModifiedBy: sa ---------------------------------- Name: E. S. Mack Alternate Studio Names: StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndYear: EndDay: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: StudioLocationID: 3360 SeeAlso: SeeAlsoStudio: SeeAlsoPerson: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False County: Marion Country: USA Longitude: Latitude: NameNewFirst: Everett KnownDates: 1916 OriginalLocationNotes: OutputStartMonth: OutputStartYear: 1916 OutputEndMonth: OutputEndYear: OutputStartStar: OutputEndStar: OutputStartS: OutputEndS: NameMiddle: S. NameMaiden: PersonHonorificTypeID: OriginalSource: 1916-17 Polk's Ind. State Gazetteer, p. 1667 The Association News (Photographers' Association of America), Sept. 1916, Active Members, p. 341: E. S. Mack, 17 W. Market St., Indianapolis, Ind. OriginalWorkerType: PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: PersonStudioLocationID: 3504
PersonID: 2231 CATNUM: 2379 NameFirst: Mack ~E. S. NameLast: Mack LocationID: 3262 Address1: 17 W. Market St. Address2: City: Indianapolis State: IN StudioID: 3431 ---------------------------------- ID: 3431 StudioName: Holland Photo Studio SeeAlso: SeeAlsoPeople: SeeAlsoStudio: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:57:55 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 6:07:12 PM ModifiedBy: sa ---------------------------------- Name: Holland Photo Studio Alternate Studio Names: StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndYear: EndDay: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: StudioLocationID: 4836 SeeAlso: SeeAlsoStudio: SeeAlsoPerson: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False County: Marion Country: USA Longitude: Latitude: NameNewFirst: Everett KnownDates: 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924 OriginalLocationNotes: OutputStartMonth: OutputStartYear: 1921 OutputEndMonth: OutputEndYear: 1924 OutputStartStar: OutputEndStar: OutputStartS: OutputEndS: NameMiddle: S. NameMaiden: PersonHonorificTypeID: OriginalSource: Indianapolis Star, 19 July 1914, Holland Photo Studio, 17 W. Market [not sure who owns studio or if Mack is involved] 1921 R. L. Polk & Co.'s Indianapolis City Directory p. 2126, Photographers: The Holland Studio, 17 W Market SE Cor Illinois (See page 271) p. 814, The Holland Photo Studio, E S Mack Propr, portrait and commercial photographers, 17 W Market, se cor Illinois, Tels Main 2989, Harrison 0363 (See page 271) 1922 R. L. Polk & Co.'s Indianapolis City Directory p. 2172, Photographers: Holland Photo Studio, 17 W Market p. 850, Holland Photo Studio, E S Mack propr 17 W Market Indianapolis Star, Jan. 1, 1923, p. 14 Ad: The Holland Photo Studio, 17 W. Market St., E. S. Mack, Photographer Indianapolis Star, Jan. 8, 1923, p. 10 "Photo Trade Outlook is Best in Years, is Statement of E. S. Mack" [article about economic improvement in photography business, photo of and quotes by E. S. Mack, proprietor of Holland Photo Studio, 17 W. Market St.; mentions photography is one of last businesses to improve after a depression] "We are turning our efforts now to commercial work, such as banquets, conventions and other assemblages. We have received the contract for the photographing each of the members of the Indiana Legislature during the sessions at the Statehouse; A special room will be provided at the state Capitol for the work, which will probably require several weeks." 1923 R. L. Polk & Co.'s Indianapolis City Directory p. 2246, Photographers: Holland Photo Studio The, 17 W Market p. 875, The Holland Photo Studio, E S Mack propr, portrait and commercial photographers 17 W Market, Tel Main 2989 1924 R. L. Polk & Co.'s Indianapolis City Directory p. 2319 Photographers: p. 853 The Holland Photo Studio, E. S. Mack Propr, Portrait and Commercial Photographers 17 W Market, Tel Main 2989 p. 1080 Everett S Mack propr The Holland Photo Sutdio h 2645 N Meridian OriginalWorkerType: Studio owner PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: PersonStudioLocationID: 5078
PersonID: 2231 CATNUM: 2379 NameFirst: Mack ~E. S. NameLast: Mack LocationID: 4603 Address1: 41 E. Washington St., 214 Kresge Bldg. Address2: City: Indianapolis State: IN StudioID: 3431 ---------------------------------- ID: 3431 StudioName: Holland Photo Studio SeeAlso: SeeAlsoPeople: SeeAlsoStudio: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False CreatedDate: 10/30/2021 5:57:55 PM CreatedBy: sa LastModifiedDate: 10/30/2021 6:07:12 PM ModifiedBy: sa ---------------------------------- Name: Holland Photo Studio Alternate Studio Names: StartMonth: StartDay: StartYear: StartCA: EndMonth: EndYear: EndDay: EndCA: KnownMonth: KnownDay: KnownYear: KnownCA: StudioLocationID: 4837 SeeAlso: SeeAlsoStudio: SeeAlsoPerson: StudioSummary: Sources: Output: False County: Marion Country: USA Longitude: Latitude: NameNewFirst: Everett KnownDates: 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1935 OriginalLocationNotes: OutputStartMonth: OutputStartYear: 1926 OutputEndMonth: OutputEndYear: 1935 OutputStartStar: OutputEndStar: OutputStartS: OutputEndS: NameMiddle: S. NameMaiden: PersonHonorificTypeID: OriginalSource: 1926 Indianapolis City Directory p. 2447, Photographers: Holland Photo Studio The 214 Kresge bldg p. 907, The holland Photo Studio, E S Mack propr, portrait and commercial photographers, 214 Kresge Bldg, Tel Riley 2989 1927 Indianapolis City Directory p. 2069, Photographers: Holland Photo Studio, The 214 Kresge bldg p. 792, The Holland Photo Studio, E S Mack Prop, portrait and commercial photographers 214 Kresge bldg, Phone Riley 2989 1928 Indianapolis City Directory p. 2122, Photographers: The Holland Studio, 214 Kresge Bldg p. 798, The Holland Studio, E S Mack Prop, portrait and commercial photographers 214 Kresge Bldg, Tel Riley 2989 1929 Polk's Indianapolis City Directory, p. 2138 Holland Studio, 214 Kresge Bldg, 41 E.Wash. Tel Riley 2989 ; The Holland Studio, E S Mack prop, portrait and commercial photographers, 214 Kresge Bldg, 41 E. Wash, Tel Riley 2989 1930 Polk's Indianapolis City Directory, p. 2078, 770 Holland Studio, 214 Kresge Bldg, 41 E. Washn, Tel Riley 2989 ; The Holland Studio, E S Mack, Pres, portrait and commercial photographers 214 Kresge bldg, 41 E Washington, Tel Riley 2989 Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, Indiana), December 12, 1928, p. 27 Photographers: Holland Studio, E. S. Mack, Photographer. Portrait and commercial Photography. 214 Kresge Bldg. 1935 Polk Indy CD, p. 801 Everett S. Mack (Holland Studio), r. 3642 Hemlock Ave.; p. 648 The Holland Studio, E. S. Mack, Prop., portrait and commercial photographers, 214 Kresge Bldg., 41 E. Washington, Tel Riley 2989 OriginalWorkerType: Studio owner PersonSexTypeID: PersonColorTypeID: PersonStudioLocationID: 5079
Copyright © 2021 The Indiana Album Inc. |
How to cite this directory: |
Hostetler, Joan E. Directory of Indiana Photographers. The Indiana Album Inc., 2021 |
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