Directory of Indiana Photographers

Future Plans for the Directory of Indiana Photographers

This beta version is just an introduction to over 5,000 photographers who worked in Indiana between 1841 and the present. Over the next year we will create and share a dynamic, searchable database to help researchers better utilize this rich resource. Whether you want to know when a certain photographer was in business, create a list of studios that operated in your town, determine the earliest woman daguerreotypist in Wayne County, or search for African Americans who owned studios in Indianapolis between 1860 and 1900, our improved web page will help you find answers to understand Indiana’s photographic history and to interpret and date your photographs. We welcome your ideas for other features.

So far, our future plans include:

Share your thoughts about how you will use this information. How can we improve the directory for genealogists, collectors, historians, archivists, and others?

Please Donate Now -- if you find this directory useful

Help us continue researching and improving the Directory of Indiana Photographers. Your tax-deductible donation to the Indiana Album Inc. will help us hire a web designer, pay our research assistant, and scan sample studio photos from around the state. We hope to keep this resource free, but we need financial support -- no matter how small -- from directory users. Contact us to discuss sponsorships.

Contact: Joan Hostetler, Indiana Album Director                  Copyright © 2021 The Indiana Album Inc.
716 Dorman Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46202, 317-771-4129Funded in part by a Heritage Support Grant provided by the
Indiana AlbumIndiana Historical Society and made possible by Lilly Endowment Inc. / Like Indiana Album on Facebook